ACROBiosystems | 在臨床試驗中檢出PE標記的抗FMC63抗體用於CD19 CART

ACROBiosystems | 在臨床試驗中檢出PE標記的抗FMC63抗體用於CD19 CART


本文轉載自原廠電子報:ACROBiosystems |










Check Out PE-Labeled Anti-FMC63 Antibody for CD19 CAR Detection in Clinical Trials

Are you troubled by the following challenges in detection of anti-CD19 CAR-T cells in clinical trials?


·    Complex component of samples

·    Low level of CAR positive cells

·    High background



·    Specifically recognizes the antigen-recognition domain of FMC63 derived CARs

·    High sensitivity and high specificity as verified by FACS


FITC-labeled anti-FMC63 antibody and biotinylated anti-FMC63 antibody are also available to help expedite your anti-CD19 CAR T-cell therapy development.




Product: PE-Labeled Monoclonal Anti-FMC63 scFv Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (Y45)

Cat. No: FM3-HPY53




1e6 of the Anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:50 dilution (2 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) of PE-Labeled Monoclonal Anti-FMC63 scFv Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (Y45) (Cat. No. FM3-HPY53) and negative control antibody respectively, PE signal was used to evaluate the binding activity (QC tested).


Product: FITC-Labeled Monoclonal Anti-FMC63 scFv Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (Y45)

Cat. No: FM3-FY45





2e5 of Anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:50 dilution (2 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) FITC-Labeled Monoclonal Anti-FMC63 scFv Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (Cat. No. FM3-FY45) and isotype control respectively. FITC signal was used to evaluate the binding activity (QC tested).



Product: Biotinylated Monoclonal Anti-FMC63 scFv Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (Y45)

Cat. No: FM3-BY45




2e5 of Anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:50 dilution (2 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) Biotinylated Monoclonal Anti-FMC63 scFv Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (Cat. No. FM3-BY45) and isotype control respectively, washed and then followed by PE-SA and analyzed with FACS (QC tested).


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