AG Scientific| 避免交叉污染!處理抗生素的提示!

AG Scientific| 避免交叉污染!處理抗生素的提示!


Risk Mitigation in Manufacturing

The interaction between penicillin and non-penicillin beta-lactam antibiotics or other contaminants can cause hypersensitivity in some people (an estimated 10% of the population). Adverse effects can range from mild rashes to life-threatening episodes of anaphylaxis!

Avoid Cross-Contamination with Separation Protocols

In our latest blog we review proper separation protocols in antibiotic manufacturing to avoid cross-contamination between drugs.

Critical Biochemical Components

AG Scientific offers superior quality reagents, compounds, and raw materials for all of your life science research requirements – including Beta-Lactamase and over 250 different Antibiotics!


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