Biomedica |大內皮素-1是LVNC患者的預後指標

Biomedica |大內皮素-1是LVNC患者的預後指標


本文轉載自原廠電子報:Biomedica | | 電子報原文


Big Endothelin-1 (Big ET-1) is a protein that is mainly produced by vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes. Big ET-1 has been identified as a risk factor for a poor prognosis in patients with atrial fibrillation or coronary artery disease. This current study revealed that plasma Big ET-1 is a valuable tool for risk stratification in patients with LVNC.


Prognostic value of plasma big endothelin-1 in left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy.

Fan P et al., 2020. Heart. 2020 Oct 14:heartjnl-2020-317059.



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Did you know? 


Big ET-1 can easily be measured using Biomedica’s ELISA:


√ Direct measurement – highly sensitive

√ CE-marked  for IVD use in the EU

 Fully validated according to FDA/ICH/EMEA guidelines

 Published cut-off values

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