MedChemExpress (MCE) 提供多元的高品質研究化學品和生物化學品,包括超過 50,000 種用於實驗室和科學用途的新型生物活性化合物、染劑、胜肽和天然化合物。 |
Research Area: Kv1.3 Inhibitor/Inflammatory Diseases
A specific Kv1.3 potassium channel peptide inhibitor.
Used in the study of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
Inhibits delayed-type hypersensitivity, suppresses the motility and activation of Tem cells in vivo.
CAS No.: 2171511-58-1
Research Area: EGFR-MET Antibody/Immune Anticancer
Inhibits ligand binding, promotes endocytosis and degradation of receptor-antibody complexes.
Induces Fc-dependent cytokinesis in macrophages and antibody-dependent cytotoxicity in natural killer cells.
Exhibits anti-cancer activity in EGFR exon 20 insertion-driven NSCLC models.
CAS No.: 66529-17-7
Research Area: α2-Adrenoceptor Antagonist/Blood Pressure/Blood Glucose
A potent α2-adrenoceptor antagonist.
Stimulates insulin release in vitro.
Increases blood pressure and reduces blood glucose levels in vivo.
Solubility: DMSO : 162.5 mg/mL (ultrasonic)
CAS No.: 2523016-96-6
Research Area: PROTAC PARP1 Degrader/Cancer
A highly potent and specific PROTAC degrader of PARP1.
Exhibits significant antitumor activity in breast cancer models.
Solubility: DMSO : 200 mg/mL (228.06 mM; Need ultrasonic)
CAS No.: 2360853-16-1
Research Area: PARP14 Inhibitor/Inflammatory Diseases
A selective PARP14 inhibitor with an IC50 value of 4 nM.
Inhibits PARP14-mediated ADP-ribosylation and stabilizes PARP14 in cells.
Used in research of inflammation. Improves steroid-resistant asthma in vivo.
Solubility: DMSO : 12.5 mg/mL (27.81 mM; ultrasonic and warming and heat to 80°C)
MCE Heterocyclic 化合物庫
Heterocyclic化合物在生物學中算是一種很常見的化合物,從酶的輔助因子到氨基酸、蛋白質的廣泛結構都會有。另一方面,Heterocycles在開發階段藥物及核准藥物中也是常見的結構單元。此外,Heterocycles已被認為是醫學化學中的關鍵結構,而且經常出現在大部分生物分子中,例如: 維生素、天然化合物和多種生物活性化合物。
MCE 提供超過 5,500 多種Heterocyclic化合物的化合物庫,可用於高通量和高內涵的藥物篩選。對於藥物發現和開發來說,MCE的雜環化合物庫可以說是好用且重要的工具。 |
MCE Isotope-labeled Compounds
MCE Glycan
Glycan是由許多具有共價鍵的單醣分子組成的複雜聚合物,而且是細胞“身份”的重要標記物。在細胞表面有許多數量和多樣的Glycan修飾,有助於細胞之間或與外部環境的交流。一些研究顯示,Glycan在癌症、自身免疫疾病..等等許多重大疾病中有著關鍵作用。 |
Product Name
Cas No.
The shortest chain oligosaccharide that can be classified as maltodextrin and is also used in a study to investigate glycation and phosphorylation of α-lactalbumin.
Heparan Sulfate
Existing as part of glycoproteins named heparan sulfate proteoglycans, which are expressed abundantly on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix.
Stachyose tetrahydrate
Preventing indirectly colon cancer cell growth by promoting the proliferation of probiotics or producing beneficial materials in the intestine.
A typical ligand for Dectin-1, has potent immunomodulating, radioprotective, and anticancer activities.
2023 Jan;613(7942):187-194.
2022 Dec;612(7941):725-731.
2023 Jan;613(7942):145-152.
2023 Jan;613(7942):120-129.
2023 Jan 10;56(1):180-192.e11.