MedChemExpress (MCE) 提供多元的高品質研究化學品和生物化學品,包括用於實驗室和科學用途的新型生物活性化合物、染劑、胜肽和天然化合物。
• 超過 40,000 種生物活性分子化合物的庫存
• 超過針對20多種信號通路中的500多種關鍵目標蛋白的化合物
• 產品均附上品質報告書(LC/MS、NMR 和 HPLC)
• 每月發佈超過1000 種最新的產品
• 提供詳細Datasheet的資訊
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CAS No.: 2256084-03-2
Research Area: Anti-PD-L1 Antibody/Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
A fully human, full length, anti-PD-L1 IgG4 monoclonal antibody (mAb).
Used for the research of NSCLC, advanced solid tumours and lymphoma.
Solution: 30 mg/mL
CAS No.: 1818864-51-5
Research Area: Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC
Consists a cleavable ADC linker (MC-VA-PABC) and a tubulin polymerization inhibitor MMAE.
Inhibits cell division and anticancer activity.
Used for the synthesis of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).
DMSO: 100 mg/mL (81.27 mM; Need ultrasonic)
CAS No.: 2055200-88-7
Research Area: APJ Receptor Agonist/Heart Failure
A potent, selective and orally active APJ receptor agonist with a Kd value of 0.3 nM.
Has the potential for heart failure research.
DMSO: 20.83 mg/mL (ultrasonic; warming; heat to 60°C)
CAS No.: 2756333-39-6
Research Area: PARP1 Inhibitor/Brain Malignancies
A selective and CNS penetrant PARP1 inhibitor that acts by inhibiting and trapping PARP1 at the sites of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs).
Used for primary and secondary brain malignancies research.
DMSO: 22.22 mg/mL (51.86 mM; ultrasonic and adjust pH to 4 with HCl)
CAS No.: 2254004-96-9
Research Area: Nrf2 Activator/Parkinson’s Disease
A potent Nrf2 Activator with anti-inflammatory activity.
Upregulates Nrf2 through binding to Rpn6 to block the assembly of 26S proteasome and the subsequent degradation of ubiquitinated Nrf2.
Neuroprotective effect is mediated by Nrf2 activation and NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition.
DMSO: 17.86 mg/mL (ultrasonic; warming; heat to 60°C)
MCE Anti-Prostate Cancer Compound Library/ Anti-Pulmonary Fibrosis Compound Library/ Anti-Orthopoxvirus Compound Library
MCE Anti-His Magnetic Beads 用在細菌、哺乳動物細胞以及其他表達系統所表達的特定 His tag蛋白進行免疫沉澱 (IP)。Anti-His Magnetic Beads具有高乘載His tag蛋白以及高特異性,也適合用在His tag蛋白的純化和免疫共沉澱 |
Composition Mouse IgG monoclonal antibody covalently coupled to a blocked magnetic bead surface
Bead Diameter
2 μm
Binding Capacity
> 0.5 mg protein/mL of beads
IP, Co-IP, Protein Purification
Recommended Dose
25 μL for per 500 μL cell lysates
CEPT Cocktail
MCE CEPT Cocktail由 CET 小分子(Chroman 1、Emricasan、Trans-ISRIB)和Polyamine溶液所組成,可提高細胞存活率並促進遺傳穩定的hPSCs生長,此外也可以將幹細胞研究中的數個應用進行優化,包括常見的細胞繼代、多能和分化細胞的冷凍保存、胚狀體(EB)和類器官的形成等。 |
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