HPV16-E6 Antibody
0.1 mg
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a member of the papillomavirus family of viruses that is capable of infecting humans. While the majority of the nearly 200 known types of HPV cause no symptoms in most people, some types can cause warts (verrucae), while others can – in a minority of cases – lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, and anus in women or cancers of the anus and penis in men. It can also cause cancers of the head and neck (tongue, tonsils and throat). HPV16, in comparison to HPV types 6 and 11, is more often associated with malignant genital cancers in humans. Protein E6 plays a major role in the induction and maintenance of cellular transformation. E6 associates with host E6-AP ubiquitin-protein ligase, and inactivates tumor suppressors TP53 and TP73 by targeting them to the 26S proteasome for degradation. The E6/E6P complex also increases expression of hTERT, which prevents the shortening of telomere length leading to cell immortalization.