Sino Biological | 新型COVID-19免疫診斷網絡研討會系列

Sino Biological | 新型COVID-19免疫診斷網絡研討會系列


Novel Immunodiagnostics for COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way people live and work around the world. There is a huge demand to expand the diagnostic capacity.

Sino Biological’s Novel COVID-19 Immunodiagnostic webinar series provides a platform where new technologies can be shared among research and industrial leaders. The invited speakers are industrial and academic scientists working on a variety of novel diagnostic assays. The scope of the webinars includes assays that:

1. detect the virus itself, or viral antigens, with high specificity and sensitivity

2. can allow high-throughput testing

3. can simultaneously detect multiple antigens and/or antibodies

4. use different detection systems than colloidal gold


The webinars will take place from 7/21/2020 to 8/13/2020. To register, please click the “register” button below to get the entry link. All webinars will be held on ZOOM.


【以COVID-19為例 – 使用Adarza’s New ZIVA™ Platform 和 High Definition Antigen Arrays分析人類對大流行性呼吸道病毒的反應】




這一次由Sino Biological舉辦的一系列有關新冠病毒的線上研討會,這個系列的第一場會議將邀請Adarza Biosystems創始人–Benjamin Miller, Ph.D.,講解Adarza帶來的新技術如何用一步式的簡單流程,輕鬆地區分未感染者和恢復期的COVID-19受試者,並提供有關總Ig以及IgG和IgM特異性反應的定量信息。


?會議時間:7/21, 2020, 14:00 – EDT (台灣時間 7/22, 2020 2:00 )


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